Wapiti Photos
Current News
5th Sunday Shoot  9-29-24
 1-Work day Saturday 9-28-24  
 2-Shoot day Sunday 9-29-24
    Registration 7am-11am
    Club closes to non-members @ 1pm

1st Sunday Shoot 10-6-24
  1-Work day Saturday 10-5-24  8am-11am
  2-Shoot Day Sunday 10-6-24

Memberships will be taken during work days and during open shoots.
We are now into partial year membership so check the website for prices and download and complete the necessary forms. Payment will be cash or personal check or Venmo (For Venmo payment arrangements must be made through Vaughn Adams. His number is on the website.)

News: As stated previously the State will be at some point installing a new electric service up through the club including poles and wires but unfortunately we will probably not be notified as when this will happen. Hopefully it will not limit access to the club at any time, but if it does it should not be on the weekend. Work on the elevated stand in the lower portion of the red course will resume soon and should be accessible during the hunting season this year. With that, a reminder that at no time can broadheads be shot anywhere at Wapiti except on the Broadhead range. Seems every year we need to remind the members that this is an inexcusable offense and immediately terminates current and future membership. Also please if you are shooting your broadheads on the broadhead range and you lose one in the grass, let us know. We have kids that use that range and they regularly lose arrows in the grass. Wouldn’t want them to find your broadhead with their hands while looking for their arrows. This happened this past week but it was me that found a three blade in the grass at the base of the Bear (Bear with no head) while helping kids locate their arrow. (Arrow is in the clubhouse  if you lost one) One more important reminder, as we get later into fall we are losing light fast. Days get real short this time of year and it’s easy to find yourself on club grounds after dusk. We are a State Park and the rules state sunrise to “dusk” not dark. Members need to be aware they can not walk up from the woods at dusk or hangout in the quarry till dark…you must leave the grounds at dusk. (That’s roughly when street lights come on) Ok, enough reminders. If anyone is interested in becoming more involved with the running of a Sunday open shoot, stop by the clubhouse during a shoot or let us know at a Saturday work party and we’ll be glad to accept the help. 
The structure of the club is that right now there are basically 6 people running the club and everything that goes with it from paperwork to purchasing supplies and targets to building and planning to even the removal of trees and running the shoots. There’s so much more but you get the idea. With that, let me thank those that come out and lend a hand at the work day Saturdays. We could not keep the club in the shape it’s in without your generosity. Also a big thanks to those that unselfishly use your talents and time with projects and repairs of the structures and road.
Wapiti is an awesome space that we are extremely lucky to have in a day where open areas are being repurposed and land value negates dedicating 25 acres for a simple archery club. Come out and enjoy the beautiful grounds (fall is around the corner and Wapiti is about to change color) and get involved…this is your club. Bring your kids out and introduce them to the woods also.
Good luck to all the hunting members this season.
Doug Bruestle
President Wapiti Archers
White Course Director